Sunday, July 11, 2010

30 by 30

Not too long ago, I was challenged and encouraged by a friend who had come up with a great idea to do 30 things by the time she turned 30. I have been thinking about it for a few weeks and I feel as though I am going to start compiling my list. This conversations was very inspiring to me, for the things on her list were adventurous and fun. Not only do I plan on sharing the list with the few of you who read this, but I will keep you updated on my progress as well. Some things will be easily attained, others will be challenging - hence the adventure! Enjoy the ride!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I would have to do something like 35 by 35 though. Unfortuntately, 30 is RIGHT around my corner! :( Keep us posted!
