Sunday, June 20, 2010

Starting over...

So, I must say weight has always been a struggle for me. I live on what seems like a never ending roller coaster of healthy and unhealthy. Well, today is the day - I am starting over. My mentality, my workout plan, my eating habits - I'm not looking back.

Part of my struggle has always been looking back on the successes I have had in the past and feeling like a failure in the present. We will have no more of that thought process for it is not helpful in any way.

So tonight, after a wonderful weekend in VA, Dan and I started on our journey together. Every week I will have 2 goals, a weight loss goal and a running goal. I will log in my miles on this blog and my training as I go. Dan and I are training for the Philadelphia half marathon September 19th and contemplating Nashville's half marathon in April with friends.

Please join me on my journey. I promise nothing but honesty and truth throughout this process. Hopefully this will be a battle I can finally conquer in confidence!

This week's goals:
*weight loss: 3 lbs
*running: 4 times - total mileage: 12 miles